History of the National Tramway Museum

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


The lavatories (toilets) at the back of Barnett's Sweet shop are being refurbished.
These were the first flush toilets with mains drainage at the Museum. A member's father, Jack Welbourne, built the building but volunteers, including me, dug a trench down to the road at Town End. Every Sunday we wielded our picks and shovels and every week it rained and washed the dirt back in again.Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 23, 2007

Leeds 345

I have had a wonderful time today as conductor on Glasgow 1297 and also for a few trips on Glasgow 812 - two of my favorite trams. Thank you to everyone who made this possible (workshop, inspectors, drivers).
1.Glasgow 1297 ready to leave track 1 in the workshop.
2&3. Leeds 345 seen between Depot VI and the meeting room. It had been moved here because it was parked in front of 812 in Depot V.
Because of weddings (not mine) and other distractions, I will not be able to be a tram conductor again until late May. In the meantime I have a Journal to produce in March and I am also attending a 'customer care' type training course in March. I am looking forward to this, both to find out my own weaknesses, and to press for more customer focussed tram crews.
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Berlin 3006

Today I was at Crich in a Journal editor's capacity - wandering round and talking to people. Berlin 3006 (I personally don't like the nickname Erich) and Blackpool 40 were in service.
1. High level view of 3006 showing the resistances on the roof.
2. Leeds 180 in the workshop being prepared for service by a subterainian Mike Crabtree (you can just see a blue smudge behind the lifeguard).
3. The late afternoon sunshine and 3006 at Town End.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fire engine

Fortunately it was a false alarm.
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Friday, February 16, 2007

The Day that the Rains Came Down

The weather forecast was right! It rained but despite the fact that no one volunteered for the woodland walk, I think most of our visitors enjoyed their visit.
1. The tug known as 'Postman Pat' is sometimes used to shunt trams to and from the depot.
2. Glasgow 812 and some impressive umbrellas.
3. Leeds 345.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Trams are running today

1. Blackpool 40 from on high.
2. Kieran looking at a picture of a tram in Ripley, his home town.
3 & 4. Glasgow 1297 and Blackpool 40 in operation.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Open Next Week

Preparations are in hand for the Museum to re-open next week and the week after for the school half term. I have had my arm twisted to be a conductor on both Fridays so I'm hoping this cold snap will be over.
1. The track work has been completed and the setts replaced. You have to look very closely to see where the welding was carried out.
2. Work continues on LUT 159 with the metal rubbing strip having been fabricated and fitted. More details will be published in the April Journal.
3. Stock is being returned to the shelves in the bookshop. Again more about the bookshop in the April Journal.

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