History of the National Tramway Museum

Friday, June 29, 2007

Rita's, Glasgow 812 and sunshine

The weather was better today and Chesterfield 7, Glasgow 812 and Jo'burg 60 were in service. I was busy as we were short of conductors.
1. An early lunch time view of Rita's Tea Rooms.
2. Glasgow 812 at Wakebridge - I have added a picture of 812 at Wakebridge to the Historical Archive.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.
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Sunday, June 24, 2007


1. Rock n Roll.
Garth Tilt used to drive from Birmingham to Crich in an A35 van like this to paint Sheffield 264. (I have added a picture of Garth painting to the Historical Archive)
3. Glasgow 1297 passes a row of Gilbern cars.
4. Another view of the Gilberns.
I have to admit that I had never heard of Gilbern cars but Kath established that they were kit cars built by a small company near Pontypridd in South Wales. I have subsequently looked at the owners club web site and the first one were based on A35 running units.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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Intra Express

1. Thomas Fischer on the right and the Intra Express group pose with Johannesburg 60.
2. I am showing the group around with Thomas as translator.
3. Thomas and Heike Fischer (from Berlin) and Kath Lomas on Berlin 3006.
4. Berlin 3006 at Glory Mine.

Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

More Rain and Leeds 345

The weather forecast was right - heavy showers! Leeds 345 and Glasgow 1297 provided the tram service.
It is strange that in wet weather visitors often prefer to travel downstairs on enclosed trams.
1. Leeds 345 leaving the depot.
2. Leeds 345 at Town End with 1297 in the background.
3. Upstairs on 345.
4. Down stairs on 345 at 4:30 pm in the afternoon.

Photographs taken somewhere in England.
Kath & I will be going to Crich on Sunday morning to meet Thomas Fischer and a group of enthusiasts from Germany.
We have visited countries as diverse as Japan and Khazakstan with Thomas. I hope the weather will be better and that they have a memorable visit.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The elderly, the young and Sheffield 74

Today's visitors included school parties learning about World War II and a group of seniors who no doubt remember it vividly.
1. The seniors enjoying an ice cream.
2. Sheffield 74 departing from Town End.
3. A group of bewildered school children who have been evacuated to a Derbyshire village for safety during the blitz.
4. Sheffield 74 again.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Sunshine and Showers

Photographs taken somewhere in England.
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Thursday, June 14, 2007


Glasgow 1297 and Leeds 180 operating a fog service.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A warm and muggy day

A warm and muggy day with Glasgow 1297 and Leeds 345 in service.
Only one picture because I forgot to charge the camera battery.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Tramathon - Wakebridge 2

1. We travelled to Wakebridge on Leeds 180.
2. Compared with mid-week days Wakebridge was a hive of activity.
3. 'Woodland Refreshments' was open.
4. The Peak District Mines Historical Society shop was also open.

Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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Tramathon - Wakebridge

A sequence of pictures showing how seven trams can pass each other at Wakebridge passing loop at the National Tramway Museum.
1. Chesterfield 7 at the head of 4 north bound cars and Berlin 3006 at the rear of 3 south bound cars.
2. 7 has now departed and all the other 6 trams can be seen with MET 331 at the head of the north bound cars.
3. 331 has now car leaving Leeds 180 in the foreground.
4. Glasgow 1297 was the last north bound car and Berlin 3006, Blackpool 167 and Glasgow 812 the south bound cars.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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Saturday, June 09, 2007


A busy day at the National Tramway Museum with 7 trams in use. Sheffield 74, Paisley 68 and Glasgow 812 and Berlin 3006 were in service. Glasgow 1297, Liverpool 869 and LCC 106 were out for various driver training duties. However today's pictures are of visiting Rlls Royces and Bentleys.

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Friday, June 08, 2007

A curator & two policemen

1. Two policemen talking to Museum Curator, Glynn Wilton.
2. & 3. Two pictures of Chesterield 7 which was in service along with Glasgow 812.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Paisley 68

A warm sunny day. Glasgow 812 and Paisley 68 were in service in the afternoon.
1. A view from the bridge facing south.
2. Entering Wakebridge northbound.
3. Entering Wakebridge southbound.
4. Back at Town End.