History of the National Tramway Museum

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Work in Progress

1. Blackpool 40 has been lifted from its bogies which now await further attention for worn tyres.
2. Meanwhile the opportunity is taken to touch up the paint work.
3. BTCV volunteers were having a well earned lunch break when I took this picture on the Woodland Walk.
4. Evidence of make do and mend track repairs at Wakebridge. If I understood things correctly at Saturday's AGM there will now be a long overdue ten-year track renewals program. I am delighted.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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Southampton 45

Better weather today. There was even a queue for ice creams. Today's trams Southampton 45, Sheffield 74 and surprisingly wet weather tram Leeds 345.
1. Newly elected TMS Board member Brian Longworth was 45's conductor today.
2. 45 loading at Town End.
3. A street scene.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

One Fine Day

It managed to stay fine today although the clouds were quite ominous from time to time.
1. Blackpool 40 is now in the Workshop and I understand it will shortly be lifted from its bogies.
2. Southampton 45 has been re-united with its truck. I hope to see it out on the line soon.
3. Lennox McEwen setting off for the last trip of the day.
4. The trams in service were Leeds 180 and Jo'burg 60.

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Friday, July 13, 2007

The Journal

The July issue of the TMS Journal was posted from Crich Post Office on Monday 9th July and delivered locally on Wednesday. However the new President had not received his copy at his London address by Thursday and he is also aware of other Members who have not received theirs. If any TMS members who read this blog have not received their copies please e-mail me at richard2@rlomas.fslife.co.uk.
Today's pictures are:
1. A vintage car arriving at about 10:15 am.
2. Leeds 345 seen through the window of MET 331.
3. Leeds 345. I think the bus on the right is ex TrentBarton.
The other tram in service was Leeds 180.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tea Break

Four pictures taken whilst I enjoyed a cup of tea outside Rita's Tea Room. The other tram in service was Leeds 345.

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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Mini Meet

I ventured to Crich today to help put Journals in envelopes which was completed before 1:00 pm. Keith Chadbourne plans to post them tomorrow so they should be arriving during the week.
The trams in service today were Glasgow 812, Paisley 68 and Chesterfield 7. I am told that about 140 Minis were expected to parade down the street at 3:00 pm but you will have to wait for the October Journal for a picture as I left at about 2:30.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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Friday, July 06, 2007

Busy Morning

The Museum was busy this morning with several school parties of very young children (some under 5) including one from Heanor and one from Mansfield. I tried to describe the Notts & Derby line which passed through Heanor and even suggested that the teachers venture into the Red Lion in Heanor to see the pictures of trams.
Today's pictures were taken in the early afternoon when things quitened down. (The trams in service were MET 331, Glasgow 812 and Leeds 345).
1. A customer who remembered the drivers seats in Sheffield trying out Glasgow 812's for size.
2. Roger Webster talking to Ian Yearsley.
3. MET 331 at Wakebridge.

Photographs taken somewhere in England.
I expect to be at Crich on Sunday morning to help put copies of the July issue of The Journal in envelopes. We will then know the name of the new President.

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LUT 159

Here are 3 pictures showing the progress on London United 159.
1. All the windows have been installed on the west side.
2. The east side.
3. Richard Stead installing beading on the west side. This work has been completed on the east side.
Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Minimum 6d

I was recently asked to explain this destination on Johannesburg 60 by a German visitor. It means that the minimum fare payable on the particular journey is six pence or 6d. South Africa together with other British Commonwealth countries (except Canada) used the Pound Sterling currency which was divided into 20 shillings and the shilling was divided into 12 pence.
In Johannesburg high minimum fares were charged on some longer distance cars leaving the city in the evening rush hour.
2 & 3 Glasgow 812 and Leeds 180 seen from above. (Leeds 345 was the other service car).
Photographs taken somewhere in England.

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