History of the National Tramway Museum


The new busway at Wakebridge (see comments on Wakebridge 20th Nov) won't be quite the same as this one. To reduce the trip hazards the concrete base will be the full width of the swept path. Second hand concrete sleepers no longer required for tram track will be laid on their sides to produce the guideway.
(Please remember this is an unofficial blog and not to be taken too seriously)

Comment #1
In response to the first comment I understand that second-hand German built motor buses from Australia are already on the high seas.
Comment #2
My plan is to replace the entire tramway with second-hand German-built guided buses - so there will be no need for any trams which could then be sold on ebay by sncvnmvb.
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Glasgow Cable Car No 1 trailer (welding trolley)

I was going to post an update on Cardiff 131 today but then Mike Crabtree reminded me that the welding trolley is of historical interest having horse car running gear, namely brake hangers, beams, pull rods and sway beam arrangement. The underframe looks as though it is bespoke and not of horse car origin also the wheels are of electric car proportions and the axleboxes are definitely a one off.
1. The welding trolley is in the workshop at present.
2-3. These pictures of the underframe were taken by Mike Crabtree.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wedding Anniversary (or a month to Christmas)

1. Cardiff 131 is now receiving its final coats of paint.
2. I took the opportunity of a space in the workshop to photograph MET 331.
3. Sheffield 330 showing new woodwork under the platform.
4. London United 159.
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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wakebridge 18th November - part the second

1. Looking southwards. Most of the shuttering is in place with concrete due to be poured on Thursday. On the right of the picture is a traditional jim crow - I spent many hours as one of a small team manhandling these. I am waiting see how rails are bent in today's world.

2. Seven cubic metres of concrete.

3. The concrete pump can be raised, lowered and rotated by remote control. The guy on the left with the yellow jacket has the remote control round his waist.

4. Wet concrete. The space is where the drain box for the points will be.
Oh dear it looks as though both of the warning signs have been damaged! Perhaps they will be replaced with more attractive signs.Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 21, 2008

Wakebridge 18th November

Today the first concrete was poured using a concrete pump.
1. The concrete pump is a free standing unit mounted on a lorry chassis. The ready mix truck simply reverses to the back of the pump and discharges the concrete into a hopper.
2. The concrete is then pumped to where it is needed.
3. Look carefully at this picture and you can see the concrete being discharged.
4. There's still some manual work.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wakebridge 14th Nov

1 &2 The north end with the metal shuttering for concrete in place.

3. A general view looking south showing how the track foundations are being excuvated.
4. The next tram won't be along for a while. The guys in green hats are Museum employees gathering winter fuel.
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sheffield 330 and a new toy

1. The new electric golf cart with Sheffield 330's bumper over the batteries.

2 & 3. Sheffield 330 minus bumper.

4. Some of the rotton wood and rusting metal from under 330.Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wakebridge - 12th November

Wakebridge passing loop was built by volunteer labour during the 1970s using second hand material and hand tools. The line to Glory Mine opened in 1978 and so Wakebridge has been a busy passing loop for 30 years and was a credit to those who built it. However the rather sharp curves were beginning to show signs of significant wear. The track immediately to both the north and south of the loop had been replaced with brand new rail more recently, so the decision was taken to replace the entire loop.
As the volunteer track gang no longer exists and some of the methods and equipment used would not meet today's safety standards, professional contactors are being used.
The outline plan is:
  • remove all of the existing track and points
  • mark out the new track plan (the points will be slightly further apart so that less sharp curves can be used)
  • dig out this area to a depth of two feet or so and establish levels
  • fill with hardcore and compact with high tech 'Wacker'
  • fill with concrete ultimately resulting in a concrete bed for the entire passing loop
  • layout and level the track
  • fishplates will be used for point castings but all other rail joints will be welded
  • check out all clearances etc before filling to rail head level

1. General view looking northwards, showing the state of the art construction equipment.
2 & 3. Steel shuttering is being laid around the area to be concreted.
4. This machine was being used as a giant fork lift.
5. Levelling the hard core.

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Wakebridge 10th November

Wakebridge is now a construction site controlled by the contractors, Balfour Beatty Rail Projects. I will outline the project plan in my next post.
1. The boundary of the construction site is clearly marked at Cabin Crossing.
2. The south end of Wakebrige looking north.
3. All the old rail has been lifted.
4. Looking towards Glory Mine.
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