History of the National Tramway Museum

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Workshop at Work

1. Painting Leeds 180's underframe.

2. Remedial work on London United 159's dash panel.

3. Fettling 159's seat frames.

4. Rubbing down 159's paintwork.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sheltering under the Bridge

The forecast was right! I sheltered under the bridge and took these pictures of MET 331, Leeds 399 followed by Berlin 3006. I then scurried to the tram shelter for Blackpool 40.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

AGM day

1. Chesterfield 7.

Three talks were given at the morning meeting which was only attended by c 25-30 members.
2 & 3. Mike Crabtree discussed some aspects of how recent legislation impinges on the Museum.

4. Richard Clarke gave his perspective on his term as President.
Bob Pennyfather described some of the problems of recruiting and motivating traffic staff (but I didn't bet a picture - sorry Bob).
I was not successful in my attempt to become a Board member by a significant margin. Again my thanks to all those who voted for me and congratulations to the winners (Colin Heaton, Bob Pennyfather, John Shawcross, Andrew Willis, Lynda Wright).
My personal highlights
1. At the morning meeting Andrew Willis advocated the appointment of a salaried General Manager and Nigel Walker suggested that the Board should become non-executive directors. Richard Clake agreed that a board of volunteer trustees supervising professional managers is commonplace. Ian Yearsley supported the distinction of the trusteeship and management roles. My dream is that this will really happen in my liftime.
2. Sundry receipts of £47,000 included £20,000 from the sale of scrap rail and £12,500 from an insurance claim following the financial irregularities discovered in 2008. Both the police and the Charity Commissioners have now closed the case.
3. The catering losses have been converted into a small profit.
4. Bob Pennyfather told Nigel Walker that little progress had been made on a second Access tram. Halle 902 had seemed to hold promise but complications mean that a full restoration would be needed so the search goes on.
I would like to retain 902 as a static exhibit although I admit a single ended version with a Russian style enclosed cab would be more typical.
I wrote to Bob about two years ago suggesting that a folding ramp would allow Blackpool 167 to carry one wheelchair on the north end platform by removing the double seat and fitting wheel chair anchors. I don't think that he replied.
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Managing the Museum

It is four months to the day since I was chucked out of the Library and my final appeal is unlikely to be determined before October. The result is that the Museum will have lost my services as a volunteer for six months.
Lots of issues have been raised and both sides are convinced that they are right but six months of uncertainty is not good for the Museum, the Society or the staff.

A special thanks to all the Members who have given me words of encouragement and sent me messages of support. We will see what tomorrow's AGM brings.

Best wishes and thanks.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Workshop update

1. The track brake assembly has been fitted to Leeds 180's truck.

2 & 3. The staircases have been fitted to both ends of London United 159 and work continues on the paint work.

4. The steam tram engine is now in the workshop pending its loan to the Manchester Museum of Science and Technology. The details of which have yet to be confirmed.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Glasgow & London

More heavy showers today so Glasgow 812 and MET 331 were ideal. Sorry picture 3 is blurred but it was too dull to photograph moving trams.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Steam trams

Jack Gordon and Nigel Walker sent me these pictures of the steam tram engine being moved from the Exhibition Hall to theworkshop on Saturday.

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Oporto 273

These pictures were taken after Kath and I had attended the appeals Panel meeting. What a way to spend a Friday afternoon!
I could have been working in the Library and the Panel members could have found better uses for their time.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Life, the universe and everything

Yesterday afternoon Kath and I met the Appeals Panel. I presented my case and think the Panel was surprised by some of the difficulties I had encountered. I gave the Panel a written copy of the presentation and 11 supporting documents. The Panel will now study these documents and indicated that they would need to arrange some interviews and all of this will take time.
I have agreed to provide any further information and to touch base with them on a weekly basis. My disappointment was that the Panel was unable to agree to me doing some limited work in the Library in the meantime.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mainly London United 159

1. When I arrived 159 had its north end staircases in position.

2. Mick Smith wiring Leeds 180's track brakes.

3. A couple of hours later and 159's staircases had been removed.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Liverpool 869

I went for a ride on 869 this morning. John Marsh was driving and Mike Conroy-Hargreaves was the conductor. Mike introduced himself to me and I promised that he would see himself this evening. It was quite a well loaded trip and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Edwardian Weekend - Saturday trams

I hasten to add that Liverpool 869 was not in service but returning to the depot having been washed.

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