History of the National Tramway Museum

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Red letter day

I've just noticed that this blog now has 1,000 posts.
Snow pictures tomorrow!Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Track repairs

These pictures were taken yesterday. The new rail is in place and the outside works staff were consolidating the ground prior to ashphalting planned for early next week. Last night's snow fall may well delay this.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Heaton Park (2)

More of Tony Stevenson's pictures of Heaton Park.

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Heaton Park (1)

Tony Stevenson has sent me these pictures of Heaton Park taken last Sunday.

For more details of this event see Heaton Park's blog:
http://heatonparktramway.blogspot.com/2010/11/blackpool-day-aftermath.htmlPosted by Picasa

An email from South Africa

Hi Richard

I read your blog from time to time.
I have created a webpage.
Please have a look at
The double decker tram from Johannesburg which is a UK build in the
30's. Anyway, the tram is going to be cut up for scrap. The tram needs
to be saved. Do you know of anybody that would be willing to help save
the tram with me. It would take about 3 to 4 thousand pounds to
purchase the tram and move it to a safe spot. This price is for
ownership of the tram and transport and removal costs.
My dad will restore the tram along with a few other volunteers.
South Africans are not interested in trams and one could look at
moving it to Crich or the like in the future.
Craig Duckham
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Stone Workshop - site preparation

5th November before work started.
16th November - adverts etc being removed.

23rd November - safety barriers in place.
I took the first picture and Hazel Quarmby took the other three.Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Stone Workshop - contractor's offices

Hazel Quarmby sent me these pictures - thanks Hazel.
On Monday the contractor's offices for the stone workshop reconstruction project arrived at the Museum.

I guess that Santa's Grotto is not going to be in the Assembly Rooms this year.Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

UITP 125 Brussel/Bruxelles

Graham Feakins has sent me this contribution:
You might care to post this You Tube link of 15 minutes on your blog to give an idea how they celebrated 125 years in Brussels on 19th September, 2010:
Out on the tracks were:
Bruxelles Exposition bogie car 5016
Amsterdam three-axle car 533
München maximum-traction bogie car 490
Nantes two-axle car 144
Bruxelles PCC 7093
Milano Peter Witt car 1503 in 1928 condition
Paris centre-entrance bogie car 505
Rotterdam centre-entrance Werkspoor motor car 515 with trailer
Den Haag PCC car 1024
Liège-Seraing RELSE type D bogie car 321
Wien car 4098
The whole of Route 44 was run with these cars between 09.00 and 19.00, and other historic cars, making 26 in all, performing a 4-minute service.
Notes taken from Mike Russell's in December's "Tramways & Urban Transit".

Here is another You Tube link, which in some respects is better than the first one I sent you:

I thought two You Tube links would be sufficient but I have just discovered this:
It is 10 minutes of atmospheric stills, taken on the anniversary day, showing dozens of views, not only of the trams but the 'period' buses as well, all accompanied by traditional songs of another era.
It progresses to today's scene with the latest trams and buses.

Thanks very much Graham.Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 22, 2010

The workshop

Leeds 399 is looking good.
Matthew painting the Bradford section box.

The crane under frame is now yellow and black.
Peter and John working on the crane's braking system.Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A letter from John Henderson

Thank you Richard for posting my comments with regard to the "Imperial Tramways" weathervane. I would like to think that as part of the Book Shop refurbishment that history can be restored, so there are two choices, find the person who destroyed history and make him remove the weathervane from the building, then to paint strip it in order to restore the original metal finish appearance. The surfacing was designed to withstand weather so the coating will be under there. However as I am sure the person will not be located, I would like to hope that this task can be included in the current work by the team engaged, so 2011 will see the weathervane correct.
This complete issue raises a particular concern for me. The fifty years of evolution at Crich has a tremendous amount of effort by individuals to save history and this I see as a key responsibility of the Board, Mr Wilton and his team. We have restored many trams over the years that have subsequently received further work at the museum. People involved for various reasons, now either do not have such a high profile, or sadly have passed away. All their knowledge is a responsibility for the Library function to record.
I would like to give some examples. I was the key player in the restoration of Gateshead 5 and Newcastle 102. I was responsible for ensuring their restoration was an accurate portrayal of exactly how they should be. In the case of both trams, since my original work, several things have been lost or changed through subsequent Crich work. No one at the time took the responsibility to contact me to clarify detail. The result for example concerning Gateshead 5 is that the chandeliers have been refitted in the wrong arrangement, curtains have been removed, and window advertisement panels are in the wrong place. Painting detail regarding these cars has departed from accuracy.
The danger of course is that the archive collecting of historical data should include interviewing & recording with knowledgeable TMS members, otherwise if this does not take place then history is re-written by those who decide how things should be.
Sadly a lot of information has been lost as people have passed away. Was anything done to record all the knowledge Maurice O'Connor possessed regarding Leeds 600? Will anything be recorded by interviewing Mike Davis regarding certain Sheffield historical detail before it is too late? I bet no-one recorded detail from Dennis Waters regarding Derby 1 before he died. Has anyone recorded quality information regarding Leeds trams in our collection from Keith Terry?
Also there are issues regarding Glasgow trams with route colours. Research at the time 812 was undertaking its major construction confirmed this tram had never been a "yellow" car, but the Board stopped it being painted "blue". The excuse told to me first hand was it had to be yellow as a large batch of mugs had been commissioned for the Book Shop to sell! The Board is custodian of history and therefore must not play "god"!
Finally Richard, I find your blog to be a vital part for me to keep in touch with both past and present concerning our beloved Crich Tramway Museum (I hate such description as NTM!). Having known you now for 47 years, you have never changed your loyalty to voluntary efforts for the museum common good. Your blog tells people things as they are and not censured. It also provides the "window of opportunity" to view the past, in a thorough way not provided by the infrastructure of the normal museum communications. As for your "ban for life", this begs belief and I find totally appalling. What are people afraid of with you?
Whist my life now does not permit me to play an active role in the museum, I still feel I have a voice, and that I have played a significant part in helping to create the museum we know. Your series of photographical milestones in the development of Crich are a true reminder of what we all were working towards over the years. Members who are young or just recently active in the museum, should be forced to go through these photo pathways, so they can respect what they are now involved with.
Please ensure my name is put to these words as I am willing to stand up and be counted for my views, and not prepared to be dismissed by the those are afraid someone is questioning their empire

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Toilets and artifacts

The toilets behind the old bookshop are being upgraded.

John Henderson sent me this comment.
'By the way, the picture of the bookshop on your blog shows the weathervane on top of it. It came from Bridge Road Tramway Sheds in Stockton on Tees. It was put on the roof for the opening of the electric tramways of "Imperial Tramways".
In 1966 I went on the roof to remove it (with permission). It is an image of their california single deckers. It greatly annoys me that some idiot at Crich decided to paint it red and white. The material is zinc coated grey and that it exactly how it should be; it did perfectly well 68 years. Just like our trams, history is so easy to destroy or lose, so I would be grateful if someone with some responsibility would remove the stupid red and white paint and restore it to how it should be.'
The picture of New York 674 was taken in 1979 just after the then bookshop had been refurbished. The grey weathervane had been installed the previous winter and can just bee seen the background.