History of the National Tramway Museum

Monday, December 23, 2013


Today was the day of Roger's funeral, which considering the awful weather, was very well attended. The day started with a short commital service at Brimington Crematorium, following by a memorial service at Bakewell Parish Church at 1130.  Such was the weather and the lack of parking due to being market day in Bakewell, that many mourners arrived at the church up to half an hour late. Here is a copy of my reading, which many of you who knew Roger well will understand regarding food intake.


Roger and my late husband Richard first met at the fledgling Crich Tramway Museum in the late 1950's. They soon became firm friends and Roger was a regular for Sunday tea at Richard's family home, where apparently he always ate the most. They shared a love of trams and had a special affinity with tram Sheffield 264, which they helped to acquire for the museum. Another shared interest was in 'bus spotting' and having a pint or two. Richard and Roger travelled to see Europen tramways in the 1960's.

I meet Roger in 1967 just prior to marrying Richard and several visits to Sheffield were undertaken in the early 1970's to see the buses. These visits always included a meal at an Indian Restaurant on Eccleshall Road, where Roger and I ahd the Mulligatawny Soup and usually had a fight to try and gain the others slice of lemon. On one occasion I was so successful that the lemon landed in his shirt cuff leaving us in a fit of giggles which lasted the whole meal.

When we had our children, there was less time for bus spotting, but Crich was always a meeting point and Roger used to come to our house for dinner, where he would always have 2nds and even 3rds if available. When Martin, our first son was almost 2, Roger came for dinner and beforehand, Richard and Roger went out for a walk on a bright, cold day with Roger propelling the pushchair so enthusiastically that when they reached the old spoil heap of Ripley Pit he pushed Martin all the way to the top to admire the view. I have a photo to prove it ( see below).

Richard retired from full time work and they both used to meet on Thursdays once a fortnight and go off bus spotting all over the Midlands and these days out always included a Chinese buffet and a few pints! I think we all know Roger could eat for England, but never seemed to get any fatter.

Richard went into hospital in October 2011 and was there for 6 months before he died and Roger was a faithful visitor once a fortnight travelling all the way from Bakewell to Derby by bus to have an hour or so with Richard and then return back to Bakewell - visits which Richard looked forward to and much appreciated. Roger always made sure he left the hospital in time to call for a pint and a Chinese Buffet in Derby before catching the 5pm bus home.

I like to think that whereever they are now they will be in a place with lots of interesting buses to spot, pints to drink and a Chinese Buffets on every corner.

Rest in peace Roger.

Roger with Martin on the way to Ripley Pit

Martin on the pit heap pushed up there by Roger

Sunday, December 22, 2013


In accordance with tradition the Crich Workshop team held their annual Richard Lomas Memorial Christmas Jumper Competition on Wednesday 18th December 2013 in The Brunswick, Derby. Richard had been a very regular attendee of this event and always recorded it for his blog.
Enjoy, Richard would have done so!

 Would you let these men mend your trams? The spare pint in front was for Richard which somebody generously bought for our absent friend. Although the participants all missed our absent friend, they couldn’t abide seeing a pint going to waste on the table, so it got supped!
 Mike Crabtree is still wearing that old jumper he first wore at the 21st December 2008 event. It is now considered to be an artefact and is conserved so as to be available for this annual event, the only time it is now ever worn. Clearly Colin Heaton thinks its time he had a new one!
Laura Waters has just learned that Mike Crabtree intends bequeathing the aforesaid jumper to the museum’s archive
 Participants looking round to see who was to be persuaded to buy the next round
Richard Robson seen this year sporting a new jumper

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


WINTER AT CRICH ON 7 DECEMBER 2010 (in the absence of any snow yet - hope I haven't spoken too soon!}

BRUXELLES THURSDAY 1 MAY 2014 - Mike Russell

The Bruxelles Transport Museum (MTUB) has announced that a special event will take place on Thursday 1 May 2014 to mark the centenary of the section of tram line 81 between Gare du Midi and Square Montgomery.  Further details will be advised when known.

Friday, December 13, 2013


The details for Roger's funeral are as follows: -


1030 - Brimington Crematorium, Chesterfield  Road, Brimington, Chesterfield S43 1AU
(see map below)

1130 - Service at Bakewell, All Saints Church
Church Street
DE45 1FD
1230 - Refreshments at the Rutland Arms Hotel, Rutland Square,  Bakewell in the central square of Bakewell

No flowers by request.  
Donations in lieu of flowers to be shared between Bakewell Newhome Hospital and Cancer Research.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


We are reasonably certain that the funeral will be on the morning of  23 December at Bakewell Church and Cremation at Brimington Crematorium.  Times not yet confirmed, but I will notify you as soon as I know them.

Saturday, December 07, 2013


I am sorry to inform you all that Roger William Mercer died this morning,  peacefully in his sleep around 0100 hours.

He had been in Chesterfield Royal Hospital for the past few weeks and was hoping to go  back to Bakewell Hospital, but unfortunately this was not to be. 

He and Richard were longstanding friends since 1959 at the start of the Tramway Museum at Crich  In more recent years they used to meet fortnightly and go 'bus spotting/riding' for the day which always included a Chinese buffet and a couple of pints. He was also a frequent visitor to see Richard whilst he was in hospital, travelling for an hour and a half by bus from Bakewell to the Derby Royal Hospital to visit for an hour or so.

I will publish details of the funeral when known.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

LISBON 1 DECEMBER 2013 - Luis Vieira

On December the first I´ve been for first time on top of Rua Augusta Arch

From this point, a yellow tram is crossing fast towards next Lisbon hill
Among so many Christmas candles, it looks like "Where´s Wally"