History of the National Tramway Museum

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


I have just returned from a 5 day trip to Majorca to see the Soller tramway and train.

No 2  At Puerto de Soller station

No 2 running around trailer

No 2 crossing points at Puerto de Soller ready to attach to train

No 2 departing Pueto de Soller with trailer

No2 moving off ready to run around its trailer at Puerto de Soller station

No 20 (the last ex-Lisboa car with original body) heads an empty motor-trailer-trailer-motor formation leaving Puerto de Soller after forming a charter service

Sunday, March 19, 2017

CRICH LCC1 ON 17 MARCH 2017 - Frank Bagshaw

 LCC 1 being reassembled in the Crich workshop, March 2017.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


An invitation was received a few weeks ago to visit the Statfold Barn Railway near Tamworth to see the progress made on the refurb on B & A 14.  We were surprised to find that the tram was up and running and very nicely turned out. A speedy renovation to a high spec.
14 on its way back from the end of the line

14 rounding the corner before the tram stop

Almost at the stop

At the stop - showing a really good paint job

Upper deck

New controller top and handles

14 has its own depot at the far end of the line with 3 foot gauge and standard gauge provision for a standard gauge engine Statfold are due to receive.

Staircase and hand rail - we noticed that the majority of the adverts were for different kinds of soap and wondered if the citizens of Burton and Ashby were particularity dirty!

Inside the controller. The original controllers were no good and have been scrapped, also the top and controller handles were lost in Detroit. The original casings have been used to house Fork Lift Truck electronics. The arrangement has been made that the tram can only be driven in the direction of the controller and not reversible.

The original motors were no good and have been scrapped. New fork lift truck motors have been housed in the original motor casings. It still has the correct 'tram' sounds when moving! The tram has  been re-gauged to 3 feet and has different wheels.

Motive power comes from 60 x 2 volt Fork Lift Batteries, housed in banks of 10 under the seats

High gloss varnished seats

The main switchgear housed under the stairs under lock and key

The original fluted lights, carved wood and ceiling cornices have been kept

14 on the way back to its depot after a super morning

Friday, March 10, 2017


Another find which has a variety of transport in Ireland including the Fintona horse tram, Hill of Howth, narrow guage, lots of steam, buses, Belfast trolleybuses and a traction engine:-

Sunday, March 05, 2017


First sight of 264 approaching the entrance stop

 A visit to Beamish Museum for the last running of Blackpool 147 before its return to Blackpool.
In the main I was interested in seeing how the museum has progressed since my last visit almost 10 years ago.
The tram I was most interested to see was Sheffield 264 and how good it looked. It would be nice to think that one day Sheffield 264 from Beamish and Sheffield 264 from Crich (newly renovated), might run together in service. One can wish and hope!
There were five trams available to ride during the day, 147, 264, 114, 196 and 16.
It was also good to see more vintage shops open - the Chemist (complete with Bunsen burner), the Photographers Studio (with potted palm, background drapes and fur stole), the rear of the car showroom (showing the workshop and vintage parts department) and best of all the working Bakery and shop (I can recommend the bread, teacakes and sticky ginger cake!
264 loading at the entrance stop

264 rounding the corner of the street

264 at the tram stop on the street corner

264 and 196 crossing at the entrance tram stop

147 and 114 pass at the entrance tram stop

147 from the top deck of 114 at the entrance
The double decker and the access bus pass through the street
114 and 196 pass at the entrance stop
Access bus and 114 at the entrance
196 at the entrance with the double decker approaching in the background
196 passing the depot approach
16 in the depot entrance ready to come into service in the afternoon

16 and 147 progressing along the street