History of the National Tramway Museum

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Twen, Twen, Twenty-two

Glasgow 22 made a brief appearance today for some visiting dignitaries.
The current issue of 'Contact' makes very disturbing reading with visitor numbers and thus revenue in decline. My suggestion is that a Board Member is made responsible for 'The Visitor Experience' and nothing else. Customer Care should be second only to Safe Working. We have high standards and procedures regarding safety but I am not aware of aything formal on Customer Care. Standards vary tremendously from excellant to non-existant.
Monitoring systems followed up by actions are required to ensure that all our visitors receive acceptable standards. To concentrate minds we should reduce the admission price by £1 for every door that is closed and any visitor leaving with a genuine grievance within our control should get their money back.

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  1. Well, there are always parts of any museum which are temporarily not accessible due to various reasons.
    As far as Customer Care is concerned, we must not forget that the museum at Crich is operated by volunteers who also wish to enjoy themselves and who might not be too pleased with being pressed into a Customer Care scheme. Call it a part of the authentic tramway experience. There were always different characters at work when trams were part of everyday life. Or just shrug your shoulders and say, "well, you can't get the staff these days"
    Christoph Heuer

  2. Anonymous9/1/08 15:27

    On Saturday I forwarded details relating to current customer care systems, difficulties encountered and the contributory factors relating to falling visitor numbers this year.
    You may have chosen not to publish this, or may not have received the comments.
    The text on the site contains a number of contentious points that are not always confirmed by real evidence and don't give both sides of the story, they are therefore unfair if you don't print the other side of the argument.
