History of the National Tramway Museum

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Customer Care?

Today I paid a brief visit to the 1950s Day to take a few pictures for this blog and I have a few nice ones of Trams, Buses and Rock'nRoll but I continue to be ashamed of the Museum's complete lack of customer care so I have published these pictures instead.
1. Modern cars parked on the pavement for at least 31 minutes and 15 seconds. Where are we supposed to walk? What is the clearance for the tram? Why didn't all the tram drivers slow right down as this one did?
2. Did the road vehicles have to pass each other at this narrow point?
3. Customers forced to walk in the roadway.
4. I measured the distance between the outer edge of the tram line and the blue stall. It was 3 feet 7 inches. The stall holder saw me doing this and told me he had been told to put his stall there against his better judgement because of the blind spot. Don't foget that the stall holders are customers as well.
Thanks for the comments. I will try and send some pictures from Siberia - see link above.
Finally there is a picture of me working at Crich on page 138 of The Journal. More recently I have done some behind the scenes work and raised a few 'bob' for the funds.

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  1. Anonymous30/6/08 20:57

    What a pity you choose to publish your own agenda yet again. Why not stop criticising and concentrate on the success of the event instead? Yes there was very little clearance but was that such a big issue? Yes there were cars parked in the street - how else are stallholders going to unload? As for the cars passing at narrow spots was this not a feature of the tramway era? How about Event Organiser support as well?

  2. Anonymous30/6/08 21:21

    This is so sad. You had time to attend the event, stand timing deliveries, measure pavements etc,how much did you contribute to visitor enjoyment personally, how much effort did you put in to assist with organisation of the event?
    This event was organised by a young member, the future of the museum, back off and give the lad some support.

  3. Anonymous1/7/08 12:59

    And here in lies the problem with the TMS - if you dare to have an opinion that is not agreed with by the "in crowd" then tough luck. And people wonder why the number of volunteers is falling year on year?

    Richard has made some very good points. We are constantly told the Museum is so much more than the trams and it is about the general historic look - well modern cars in the street do not help this. In fact they ruin the street scene effect that is trying to be achieved.

    I don't know whether it is customer care but surely there must be a health and safety risk having such a narrow gap between stall and tram? In this day and age with so many "ambulance chaser" lawyers around all we need is for someone to fall off a narrow strip of pavement and injure themselves, or even worse fall into the path of a tram.

    Some of the pavements are incredibly narrow as it is (particuarly outside the shop) so why make more even narrower?

  4. Anonymous1/7/08 18:29

    Looking at these comments, you do have a point about the cars but as an event organiser you can't keep a check on every little thing and look after every ones needs but you can try. The event organiser has organised a great event and a succseful one too. Maybe we could have more things looked after if yourself came and volunteered to help run the event on the day for example with the Leyland Day we need help with car parking and marshiling vehicles. We also need help with the entrance so people can be told which direction to go for the entrance. We also need crews as we can only provide a 4-5 car service at the moment so why not volunteer for one of these and help the musuem in the way you keep going on about.

  5. Anonymous1/7/08 19:57

    I was at the 1950's event and thoroughly enjoyed a well organised day. It is refreshing to see a young member doing the organising of such a successful event. Congratulations should be given to the organiser instead of the usual back-stabbing happening. I agree entirely with the views of "disillusioned member", it takes a lot of effort to organise such an event. If I had have been fit enough on the day I would certainly have assisted the lad. Now let's stop the criticisms and pull together for the future of the museum.

  6. Anonymous9/7/08 22:34

    Here, in just five posts is the crucial problem at Crich - it's just not worth the aggravation to get involved. If you make relevant and constructive criticism you are attacked.

    The TMS have an appalling reputation for this and must change their attitude if the museum is to survive and prosper.

    Put simply, who in their right mind would volunteer to get all this in their leisure time!

    Just how many voluntary bodies can survive by making demands of people rather than asking and encouraging?
