History of the National Tramway Museum

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A pleasant surprise

This is the last week of the tram service this year and it is unlikely that I will visit the Museum before Sunday, so I had a last ride to Glory Mine.
1. Leeds 399 at Wakebridge.
2. Glasgow 812 coming the opposite way.
3. Today's surprise Blackpool 'rack 2' in service.
4. Old greybeards.

I hope to report on winter work at the National Tramway Museum. I will be working as a volunteer on the project to reorganise the Library to accomodate Winstan Bond's book collection and I will try to visit the Workshop each week.
My main objective will be to get some pictures of the track renewal at Wakebridge. I think this is the most exciting project since the extension of the line to Glory Mine 30 years ago. Without good quality track and overhead line we cannot operate the trams and without the tram service the museum is dead.
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Maps and Drawings

1. Andy Bailey and Glynn Wilton placing the first two rolls of maps and drawings on temporary shelving.
2. A couple of hours later the shelves were nearly full.
I will return to this project in the coming weeks when there is no tram service to distract me.
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Trams at twilight

Today was cold and overcast but the snow held off and the three trams were kept busy with half term visitors. These pictures were taken between 3:45 and 4:45 pm.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Red October

-1. Afterthought - here is a picture of our Skoda in Poland in 1977. We were feeling rather pleased having found a shop and being able to buy something. (Martin on the left of the picture will be 40 next month)
1. We had a slightly older Skoda S100 very similar to this one. It was the first new car we had and now I have just bought a new Skoda Fabia; sad isn't it?
2. Trabis on the street with Berlin 3006 in the background. An idea for next year would be to pose the Skodas alongside Prague 180.
3. Berlin 3006 and Ladas.
4. Comrades - but I'm not sure about the white jacket, it could be from the West. Did he buy it on the black market?
5. Made in the DDR but photographed after Die Wende - perhaps we should paint 3006 in its original livery one day.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Cardiff 131 (again)

Sheffield 330 was moved to the workshop today to repair the accident damage to caused by the collision with Leeds 180 some while ago. This will enable 330 to undertake scrubbing work on the newly installed track at Wakebridge. If Workshop capacity permits the opportunity will be taken to tidy up the bodywork cosmetically.
1. Two water cars - Sheffield 330 and Cardiff 131 outside the workshop.
2 & 3. Both sides of 131 - note that the trolley head has been fitted since Wednesday.
4. Back into the workshop.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Autumn Sunshine

I think that Sheffield 189 and 264 deserve better than being parked in limbo land for ever. We have a Trams Report and Attitude Statements but what is the Society's policy towards these trams?
The need to find secure accomodation for 189 was an important consideration in the decision to acquire the Crich site. 264 and 812 bore the brunt on the midweek service many years ago. 812 was then rebuilt and is still in service but 264 was withdrawn awaiting reconstruction and seemingly forgotten.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cardiff 131 - another milestone

Great progress continues on 131. The traction and lighting wiring is now complete and has been tested at low voltage. The good news is that both axles turned in the same direction and 131 has moved under its own power.
1. A new trolley head has been manufactured to old designs and is now being assembled.
2. 131's roof showing the trolley pole - this picture was taken from Glasgow 22's balcony.
3. The as new B510 controller at the north end. 4. The north end platform.

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Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Today was a bright and breezy autumn day so, after a morning of putting books in boxes, I had a walk up to Wakebridge.
Yesterday I added a few more pictures to the Historical Archive.
1. Now that the leaves have blown away it is possible to get pictures looking down from the top of the path. 2. Back to ground level.
3 & 4. Leeds 345 passing through Wakebridge.
5. Glasgow 812 was the other service car.

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Sunday, October 19, 2008


This picture was taken in the Spring of 1973 on a TMS weekend trip to Lisbon. The location is Martim Moniz where the track layout is quite different now with the Graca trams terminating in the opposite corner of the square.
Merlyn Bacon is leaning out of the window and I think Bob Tebb is standing on the platform.
For pictures of Portugal now and in 1978 click on this link http://www.tramsinportugal.blogspot.com/
I hope to publish some more Crich pictures later this week.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

and Thank You Peter

Peter Bird has sent some more pictures of Cardiff 131 on Monday.

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