History of the National Tramway Museum

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I have heard a suggestion that Berlin 3006 might be repainted in its original livery. Posted by Picasa


  1. This would be very welcome in my book! Have to say 3006 is my least favourite tram at Crich, although it obviously serves a very important purpose - I think it would look much better painted cream. I've often said it would be nice to paint some trams in different liveries; it gives us something 'new' without the cost of a full restoration. I hope it happens!

  2. I much prefer the orange. I don't know whether it's just this particular photo or not but the livery above just look dirty. If 3006 was repainted like this then think of what the quarry dust would do to it!
    Anyway, it doesn't need repainting, so I hope it is just a rumour :)

  3. i think it would look better in the cream livery and be welcome change and like andrew says it will be some thing new and different it happend with leeds 180 a few years ago when it lost its gold lineing for the later leeds livery and the same happend with new york 674 many years ago
    We'll just have to wait and see what happens but i do hope the work is not done until the season is over as it is an importent service car
