History of the National Tramway Museum

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Good News!

The good news is that Dobbin has made a speedy recovery and is back at work.

London United 159 looks quite different now that the top deck seats have been fitted.
Jo'burg 60 and Glasgow 812 were in the workshop on Tuesday.
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  1. 159 is truly becoming the new flagship of the fleet. All credits to the workshop staff (both paid and unpaid) and its manager for this masterpiece of tramcar restoration.
    I hope the board member responsible for the workshop will get the acknowledgement he deserves next Saturday.

  2. Anonymous30/7/10 10:33

    Totally agree re Saturday, Wim. It could be a disaster for the museum if we got Richard Lomas instead.

  3. @ Anonymous: By writing what you did you directly attacked a TMS officer, the Assistant Editor of The Journal, in public. Did you consider the effect on the public perception of the TMS when writing this? It tells a lot about the discussion culture within the organisation, and nothing good, I hasten to add. It certainly would not encourage me to participate or even visit!

  4. I suggest that site site excludes "Anonymous" contributions, since the facility is clearly being abused. The comment above by Anonymous is disgraceful and ill-conceived.
