History of the National Tramway Museum

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Santa Special (3)

Dan Heeley sent me these two pictures taken last weekend.

"Snow clearence during the week, particularly some large piles obscuring the workshop, made the prospect of operating a tram service once more realistic. The site was still very icey and members of the events team and others did a stirling job in gritting the site to make it safe for our visitors.

Meanwhile the track and overhead were inspected and frozen point ends de-iced by a small team (thanks Aaron!), allowing Leeds 180 to be brought out late morning on a test run. This was succesful and 180 operated a service until 4pm between the Red Lion and Cabin. This seemed to go down well with our visitors so the effort was worth it! Seizing an oppurtunity Leeds 399 also appeared briefly outside moving Roads in the workshop.
My thanks to all who helped out today, it was nice to see the small team from Engineering, Operations and Events all club together."Posted by Picasa


  1. Thanks to every one who worked together to get a tram running. All the visitors i spoke to on both days were happy to have a tram ride, even if it was a short run. Lets hope we can do it all again next year but with out the snow.

  2. well done to all in the tramway world no matter what you do. if you do it well its worth it.if you dont do it well at least you tried all the best to all

  3. I agree with toon savage. All that matters is that people try and they should always be commended and never knocked for doing so. Otherwise people stop trying and then nothing will ever happen

  4. I have just uploaded a short video from the Sunday, of 180 running wrong line (and with a crew in a very strange uniform!) onto YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcZU2C38yII
