History of the National Tramway Museum

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I was sorry to read of the death of 'JJ' Richards. I first met JJ in the summer of 1959 and he was a very regular attender at Crich until the mid-1960s. He was also a very keen photographer and this picture of him in action was in a collection of black and white pictures given to me by Jim Jordan.
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  1. I was quite friendly with JJ in the formative years and it was sad to hear of his death. He became disillusioned with the direction of the TMS quite early on - before me even - and was rumoured to have turned to motor sport. Another link to the enjoyable days has gone. I hope his rest is more comfortable than we experienced when sleeping in the trams (including 99!) in the old days. RIPJJ


  2. Geoff voish Mannin24/3/11 15:27

    I also have happy memories of working alongside JJ in the early days. Like TecDeLijn, I remember spending the coldest night of my life, trying to sleep in Leicester 99!
