History of the National Tramway Museum

Thursday, May 03, 2012


I spent 6 months and 10 days in hospital and and am still dependent on support from the NHS.

First thanks to my wife Kath who visited me every day and played a major role in my recovery. Without her support it would have been too easy to go to sleep and not wake up.
Thanks to all my friends and relations who came to see me on a regular basis - often when I was too weak to say much. Thanks to everyone who sent me their best wishes either by greetings card or email.

So what have I learned from my three visits to intensive care and long slow recovery? Surprising little other than that life is precious and should not be wasted on silly squables with friends.

I hope to visit Crich very soon but a lot of my time is taken up with medical professionals - physiotherapists, dieticicans, diabetic specialists, GP appointments etc. Also I can't drive at present and am reliant on Kath for lifts.

The deadline of 11th May to renew my subs will soon be here so I might have to invest in a stamp and post a cheque to Chris.

I intend to continue this blog and have read the TMS policy on social media - most which is very sensible.

Finally thanks to all blog readers for your support.

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