History of the National Tramway Museum

Wednesday, September 03, 2014


More trolleybus pics.
Our Chollima 70 of 1970 charter trolleybus

Works vehicles

Trolleybus overhead platform

Fairly simple lift

Works vehicle

Our Chollima 70 at the end of the journey.  A reporter from the Pyongyang Times arrived to interview a couple of our group and they can be seen on the trolleybus.

Transit vehicles and cycles open to tourists
British tourists try an old trolley bus.
    Kind people, clean environment and special tours in particular and drawing an increasing number of foreign tourists.
To meet their diverse tastes, the Korea International Travel Company has launched tours by public transit vehicles and bicycle.
During their stay in five days and four nights the tourists can see the course of development of the local transit system.
The most available public transport vehicles are trolley buses and trams, which encompass different types of trolley buses ranging from the earliest Chollima-70, which was made 50 years ago, to the latest ones and trams T3, T6 and B5.
“Trolley buses show the development of the Korean nation in the 1960s. We are pleased that you respect your heritage. And you have kept them in good order. I think many countries neglect their heritage. But you have taken care of your heritage. You haven’t put them in museum but kept them in good working order, which is very encouraging and commendable,” British tourist Hasel Dine Peter said after travelling between August 19 and 23.
“We cycled on streets, farms and mountains. All of the cycling was great. When we came down Mt. Paektu through the beautiful fields of wild flowers and forests, it rained at times, but it actually made the riding even more fun,” said American Adam Sullivan, who enjoyed cycling tour from August 14 to 21.
Cycling tour through Pyongyang and local areas gives a good chance for tourists to get closer to the local life and scenery.
You cannot imagine what it is like to cycle along the hilly roads on Korea’s celebrated Mt. Paektu, Mt. Chilbo and others.
Tourists will have a good time in Pyongyang and local areas during a week-long cycling tour.
By Kim Rye Yong PT
This is the article from the Pyongyang Times issue 35 of 8/2014 (Juche year 103).  Some fairly quaint English and Peter Haseldine now has a Korean version of his name! By the way we didn't do the cycling bit.

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