History of the National Tramway Museum

Friday, September 29, 2017

WIEN (VIENNA) ON 25 SEPTEMBER 2017 (addition) - Martin Miller

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Went to the Tramway Museum at Schlachthausgasse which was closed for the day for a corporate event! Nonetheless the Museum shop was open for the purchase of gifts. At the Schlachthausgasse terminus track work was in progress.

Vienna Trams - Various Locations - Wien Strassenbahn
Vienna Trams Haupbahnhof - Wien Strassenbahn
 Vienna Trams Schwedenplatz - Wien Stassenbahn
Vienna Trams - Schottenring - Wien Strassenbahn
Vienna Trams - Volkstheater - Wien Strassenbahn 
Vienna Trams - Josefstadter Srasse - Wien Strassenbahn 
Josefstadter Strasse

Vienna Trams Schwedenplatz - Wien Stassenbahn

My only view of the Wiener Lokalbahnen that terminates at the Oper tram stop on The Ring

Vienna Trams Oper Wien Strassenbah
Ring Sightseeing tram

BRATISLAVA SEPTEMBER 2017 (addition) - Martin Miller

Tatra car at the Blumental junction

This extension was built a dual gauge to cater for an unrealised project to provide for standard gauge new lines - Jungmanova

The rather unprepossessing terminus at Komisarky in the Raca district. At first I thought that "Vystupiste" was the name of the stop but quickly learnt it meant "platform"!

An interesting dot matrix sign showing the tram is not in service
Bratislava Trams - Pri Krizi
Bratislava Trams - Pri Krizi 

More work in the centre of Bratislava reducing the system to one very busy City crossing
Bratislava Trams - hlavna Stanica
Bratislava trams Kapucinska - watch the birdie!
the main station terminal - Bratislava hlanva Stanica
Bratislava Trams Safarikovo

CRICH ON 19 SEPTEMBER 2017 - Frank Bagshaw

This year's enthusiasts day at Crich saw Cardiff 131 being demonstrated along with trams in service including Metropolitan 331 and Blackpool 40.
Derby no.1 and Howth 10 rarely see the light of day but were brought outside for display. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

VENICE SEPTEMBER 2017 - Frank Bagshaw

Frank Bagshaw is in Venice and sent this photo of one the translohrs rubber tyred vehicles (known locally as trams) arriving at the  Venice terminus having crossed the causeway from Mestre. These vehicles have normal tramway overhead with a centre guided rail in the roadway.

Arriving at the  Venice terminus having crossed the causeway from Mestre

The usual way to travel around in Venice is by vapouretto, here a vessel on route 2 approaches Piazzale Roma (for the bus/tram station) having recently left Ferrovia (railway station).

Thursday, September 07, 2017

CRICH ON 6 SEPTEMBER 2017 - Frank Bagshaw

View inside the Crich workshop on September 6th. Work continues with the reconstruction of LCC 1. Sheffield 74 receiving final painting. Oporto 273 receiving maintenance.

Sunday, September 03, 2017

CRICH ON 31 AUGUST 2017 - Frank Bagshaw

Frank Bagshaw spent another enjoyable day at Crich, this time conducting on Leeds 345. Rain during the day meant it had to be mopped out at the end of service.

An up to date view of work on LCC 1, controllers are now in place at both ends.