History of the National Tramway Museum

Friday, September 29, 2017

BRATISLAVA SEPTEMBER 2017 (addition) - Martin Miller

Tatra car at the Blumental junction

This extension was built a dual gauge to cater for an unrealised project to provide for standard gauge new lines - Jungmanova

The rather unprepossessing terminus at Komisarky in the Raca district. At first I thought that "Vystupiste" was the name of the stop but quickly learnt it meant "platform"!

An interesting dot matrix sign showing the tram is not in service
Bratislava Trams - Pri Krizi
Bratislava Trams - Pri Krizi 

More work in the centre of Bratislava reducing the system to one very busy City crossing
Bratislava Trams - hlavna Stanica
Bratislava trams Kapucinska - watch the birdie!
the main station terminal - Bratislava hlanva Stanica
Bratislava Trams Safarikovo

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