1. As promised, here is a picture of 131's truck. The new water tank in the background under a dust cover. 2. Richard Stead and Alan Murray-Rust working on 131's roof. 3. Lawrence Dutton working on Blackpool 166's seats. 4. The new lighting on Blackpool 166.
We had a wonderful time in New Zealand and Australia and I would like to thank the various tramway museums that made us so welcome. I was impressed by their achievements often with far less resources than we have at Crich. Pictures can be seen by clicking the link on the right.
Today I made my first visit to Crich after our trip to Australia and NZ to attend a Membership Committee meeting. Afterwards I took a few quick pictures but hope to take a few more later in the week. 1. Cardiff 131's underframe. The truck has also be re-assembled and I will try to get a picture of this soon. 2. Look at the date but I understand from Contact that work is now in hand to rectify this. 3. The only tram I saw in service was Glasgow 22.